Office of Admission Counselors

Every explorer needs guides—people who understand the terrain and can offer wisdom, support and encouragement. Our admission counselors will serve as your guide throughout the Carroll admission process, and they will answer any questions about Carroll University, our programs or how to apply for admission.

voorhees hall

Selecting the right college is a big deal

You want to know what academic programs are offered, where the campus is located, how big the school is and, of course, how much it costs and what sort of financial aid may be available. Our admission counselors have answers.

Contact the Office of Admission  |  262.524.7220

Office of Admission Staff

Cheryl Kelley
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 262.524.7218

Brittany Schaefer '13, MEd '18
CRM Specialist
Phone: 262.524.7338

Holly Waschow
Admission Events and Operations Coordinator

Phone: 262.524.7222

See Yourself at Carroll

Panoramic View of campus